News Blog

The Hidden Risk: Uncovering Britain’s Underinsurance Crisis

Introduction Britain’s underinsurance crisis poses a significant and often overlooked threat to both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and larger businesses. Underinsurance happens when the coverage amount is not enough to cover the total value of the insured property, resulting in significant financial shortfalls when a claim is made. Impact on Businesses Here are some… Read more »

Is Your Home Truly Protected? The Hidden Risks of Underinsurance

Introduction Ensuring your home is adequately protected is crucial for safeguarding your assets and peace of mind. Home protection involves not only physical security measures but also comprehensive insurance coverage to shield against potential losses. One often overlooked aspect in this regard is underinsurance. Underinsurance occurs when the insured value of your property or possessions… Read more »

The Perfect Storm

ALAN Stevenson Partnership are proud to have sponsored the end of season awards for The Manchester Storm ice hockey, team. The team, who are based just down the road from our offices in Altrincham, have had an amazing year, coming second in the Elite Ice Hockey League So we were very happy to join them… Read more »

Alan Stevenson Partnership In The Pink

Business insurance spacialists outside offices, under a charity banner

BUSINESS INSURANCE specialists the Alan Stevenson Partnership, turned their office pink to help raise funds for a breast cancer charity. Staff wore pink tops and tutus as well as hanging out a 30ft banner, pink flowers and 100ft of bunting as part of a fund-raising week, at their headquarters in Altrincham. They also presented a… Read more »

Is there a Red Light District buried in your travel insurance policy?

Amsterdam and in particular its Red Light District has long been an attraction for tourists and revellers. Lauded for its transparency and open mindedness surrounding Ladies of the Night and recreational drugs it is nevertheless a place with less transparent dark corners and concealed dangers. What has this got to do with Holiday Travel Insurance… Read more »